Art with Mrs. Tucker

Grow through What you Go Through

We brought this little bundle of joy home four months ago!

Life here has been ultra bonkers!  In the last four months we have been to more doctor visits than I care to count.  While I was pregnant with Laney I contracted a very common virus that could have been harmful to her, so we had to go through a litany of testing.  Thank the Lord that He decided to spare her and she is now a happy and healthy four month old without any signs of the virus doing harm.

But just to keep things interesting I thought I would throw a doctor visit for myself into the mix.  I had my appendix out two weeks ago… I know, crazy right?!

There have been so many good things that have come out of these trials though.  
I have learned that the Lord is my refuge.  Psalm 91:4 says, “He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.”  
His faithfulness has become to me like a shield, my armor, my protection and I can thrive under the protection from Him.  I don’t have to worry about the arrows of doubt or the bullets of uncertain times.  I can let God be my shield and REALLY trust Him to hold up his end of the deal.  
Under His shield and protection is where I am really able to thrive!  I don’t have to try to do it all on my own.

Survive or thrive.  It’s my choice.  Circumstances will be the same, but my mindset will make all the difference! Will I just endure the monotony of wiping sticky hands and smelly parts all day, or by relying on God as my strength and my refuge, asking Him to help me constantly, will I thrive in my new responsibilities to shape these little hearts and build up leaders?  It’s hard, very hard, but it’s growing me up and changing me in the best ways.

My first hurdle was school ending.  That means three kids at home with me all day.  Rather than turn on the TV or listen to fake hunger pains that usually arise out of boredom, I decided to make a plan.  Each of the 12 weeks of summer we are learning about new things… veggies, bugs, outer space, colors, sports, weather, the farm, etc… we are reading books, making nature journals, using our bodies and our brains and learning about the world around us!  It is going to be a total blast and you can read about it here.



7 thoughts on “Grow through What you Go Through”

  1. Sarah! Welcome back! I was just thinking of you the other day…as I was contemplating which blogs I want to 'carry over' after reader goes away. 🙂 Blogging frequently takes a back seat to our everyday life…these days with small children at home will be gone before we know it, right? Sounds like you have some fun things planned for the summer. We're trying to make our days a little more structured, too. I hope you share more about what you're doing. We're taking a trip to Target and the pet store today. 🙂

  2. Your post REALLY touched me!! I just had our 3rd baby, 2 months ago and I'm in that season as well, where I can either choose to simply survive or to THRIVE and do my absolute best, at shaping these little ones. I LOVE your idea about learning throughout the summer, with a different theme for each week. Can you tell me more about how you're doing this? I think it's a fabulous idea!

  3. Welcome Back Sarah!

    It is nice to hear an update on your, the new baby and your family! I love your summer learning plan or your kids. And isn't it always fun to throw surgery into the mix of things? I've been known to do that, too (and while the hubby was way on a business trip to add to the drama!)Glad everything went ok and you are healthy and well.

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