I started reading another book last night. (All of this reading, sheesh, you’d think it were one of my New Year’s goals or something!) This total gem of a book is called The Gentle Art of Domesticity by Jane Brocket. I want to share with you a quote from the book about what she calls, “The Habit of Seeing” along with a picture I took from one of one of my many trips to the Flea Market.

“We must learn to sift through the mass of stimuli we encounter every day and to focus on what inspires us as individuals and,
in doing so, create a way of seeing, a way of being receptive to inspiration.”
“One thing that sets creative people apart is that they have all acquired the habit of being receptive to inspiration,
actively seeking it or even simply recognizing it.”
-Jane Brocket The Gentle Art of Domesticity
- What inspires you? Great color combinations, music, photographs, paintings, books, great flavors or movies? Pause and notice what you’re drawn to. What makes you smile?
- What’s holding you back from being creative? Not enough time, money, or space? How could your limitations could be used in your favor? Maybe you work smaller, quicker, use what you have in front of you to make something beautiful.
- Start right where you are and in this phase of life, don’t wait for situations to change. The combination of your talent, your experiences, your limitations and resources is unique to you, and the world needs what you have to offer.
- Try something new! Drive to work a new way, brush your teeth with the other hand, walk through your neighborhood and notice things. Toddlers are excellent at noticing the small things. Do you have a child in your life that you could learn from?
Another helpful book in training yourself in the art of seeing is Conscious Creativity. Philippa Stanton has loaded with her book with practical ideas and ways to see the world around you through creative eyes. I’ve never read a book like it, and find myself thinking about it a lot. I highly recommend it.
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