It’s week eight of our Super Smart Summer Plan! If you’re wondering what I’m talking about, start here to read about our laid back learning plan.
This week was really low-key. We just enjoyed some time together as a family and did a little learning on the side when we could fit it in. This was our plan of action…
Super Smart Summer… “Fun on the Farm” Week
-Charlotte’s Web
-Well, the obvious outing for farm week would be a farm, right!? Is there a place near you where you can pick produce or pet the animals?

-Dairy farm
-Farmer’s Market

–Make your own buttermilk– I put heavy cream in baby food jars and let the boys shake until it turned into whipped cream. Shake more and it turns into buttermilk and butter! Here’s a recipe and more details.

–Farmer’s Market Treasure Hunt– Have your little ones keep their eyes peeled for specific things on their trip to the Farmer’s Market. If you’d like to print a copy of the treasure hunt page, you may do so here.

–Haystacks– These are a Southern favorite! Crunchy Chow Mein noodles covered in butterscotch.
You can find links to more ideas and coloring pages on my “Smart Summer” Pinterest board.