I don’t know if you’ve realized this yet, but the interwebs have a whole heck of a lot of content! The fact that you have chosen to visit here is humbling and exciting. My prayer is that this becomes a spot where you feel supported, loved and seen.
When I first began my journey as an elementary art educator, I only knew a handful of people who were teaching the way I wanted to teach… with a deep understanding of the elements of art and principles of design, a fresh and innovative use of color, and with a joy that comes when God is at the center of it all.
Are you new to teaching children?
Do you want to teach art, but feel unsure of how to do so with Biblical worldview?
You are not alone in your desire to both make beautiful art and follow hard after the God who is Beauty!
I’m in your corner cheering for you that YES, you can be a committed Christ-follower and an inspiring art teacher at the same time.
Here, you’ll find practical tips for teachers, immediately implementable ideas for supporting your students, sparking their imaginations, while developing their talent and nurturing them as young people. You’ll find carefully curated lists of tried-and-true resources. You’ll find devotional thoughts on God’s beauty and living a creative life. And, because I believe we teach best when we have had our own souls lit with the excitement of making, you’ll also find step-by-step instructions for making lovely things.
My goal with this site is to collect all of my favorite resources and inspiration, then share it with you in hopes that it will help you feel supported as an art teacher or homeschool parent. Let’s navigate the world of teaching elementary art for God’s glory together, shall we?!