Art with Mrs. Tucker

Newborn Memory Box

One thing the Lord has reminded me of through this miscarriage is just how precious my  1 1/2 year old is.  Not that I took him for granted before, but even more so now I am trying to savor every minute with him.
Today I pulled out the memory box I made for my little guy when he was born.  With a brand new little one comes many precious keepsakes that don’t always fit into a scrapbook, so I made him this memory box to savor the little details surrounding his birth.

I made the box to be a snapshot of what life was like on the day he was born and the months leading up to his birth.  Inside is included:

  • Ultrasound pictures
  • The knit hat he wore in the hospital
  • A map of our city from the year he was born
  • Cards from our first Mother and Father’s Days while he was still in utero
  • The first cards that say “Congrats” and cards from his showers

  • Hospital bracelets (mine and his)
  • One of those teeny-tiny, credit-card-sized first diapers!
  • A fact sheet about what life was like on his day of birth… popular books, movies and trends of the time, price of gas and a gallon of milk, who was the president, current affairs
  • A picture of our house and his room

It has been a fun diversion for me to remember all of these sweet details again and keep my mind off of our loss.  Thank you so much to all of you for the outpouring of love and support you’ve given us.  It is a blessing to be loved on in such a big way!

10 thoughts on “Newborn Memory Box”

  1. Your memory box is beautiful. Mine are shoved in a rubbermaid. I have been a subscriber (reader) of your blog and your faith is such an inspiration. I am sorry to hear about your loss and I said a prayer for you when I read your post.

  2. Sarah,

    I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your precious child. I lost a child when I was 11 weeks pregnant. I am so glad that you have peace about it, even though I know your heart is broken. You love that child from the moment you know you are carrying it and it is so hard when you find out you won't hold him/her in your arms.

    Your memory box is so lovely! I wish I had that for my 4. Now, my oldest is 23 and it would be awesome to see the things that were happening when she was born. What a wonderful mother you are. I am sure that the Lord will bless you with many more children. I will keep you in my prayers.

  3. oh dear, I came here looking via a link while looking for wedding gift ideas.

    I am so sad to hear of your loss. I am a bereaved mom myself. Your memory box is beautiful and puts me to shame for not having mine nearly as beautiful (and it's been 4 years since my daughter died)

    ((many hugs))

  4. Sarah,
    i just saw that you have gone through a miscarriage recently. I too lost my baby at about 8 weeks. it is hard but it is so true that the Lord will give you peace in your time of need. I just remember before i went in. I just knew that he was going to tell me that i was miscarrying, but with the help of the savior, my husband and son it some how was so much easier than i expected. Isnt it great to know that they are with their heavenly father. I cant wait to meet my little one in heaven and get to know them better. there will be hard days but hold on to the good ones. Blessings will come around. I know we have seen them so much since the miscarriage

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