This is the house that Mommy built.
These are the letters
That went to the house that Mommy built.

This is the boy
Who looked for the letters
That went to the house that Mommy built.

This is the door
That opened by the boy
Who looked for the letters
That went to the house that Mommy built.

This is the happy boy
Who opened the door
After looking for the letters
That went to the house that Mommy built.

(Adapted from Mother Goose’s Rhyme “This is the House that Jack Built”)
CUTE! I saw a couple more cute ideas of what to make out of cardboard boxes the other day on Martha. Did you happen to see that one! I’ve always been a fan of forts, I’m sure Greta would LOVE something like this. Heaven knows I can collect enough diaper boxes in no time!
Forts are my favorite! I wish I had seen the Martha episode about what to do with boxes. I’m sure she had some awesome ideas! This fort was so easy to make… it took me about 15 minutes while Owen was eating lunch one day. He has gotten so many smiles out of 3 boxes and some duct tape…if I had known he would love it this much I would have made this earlier!
What a precious post!!!! love those letters. It’s all in the details, right!! heehee. how cute.
What memories! I can remember making a giant Thomas the Tank Engine out of the boxes from our new dishwasher and our neighbor’s new living room furniture. We had the train at our little guy’s birthday party and his friends helped paint it as one of the party activities.
It lasted a LONG time. Probably close to three years!
Love this blog, friend! You inspire me!
Clever, clever mommy!!! 🙂
Looks like a lot of fun! We have been using diaper boxes as giant blocks to ‘demolish’!
Hi Sarah, I love your blog. It is very inspiring. I just had to ask; is your last name Tucker or is it your son’s middle name? The reason I ask is I have a 6 year old son named Owen and a 4 year old son named Tucker. They got a kick out of seeing someone with both of their names combined!
LUV this box fort/house AND the fact that you made use of a pink Ooise box…he’ll never know =)
thanks for sharing!